Wuhan have a lot of good food to eat is not in Shanghai, the most well-known to a few re Gan, and this is China's one of the four famous face. 武汉有很多的很好吃的小吃是在上海完全没有的,最有名的要数热干面了,这可是中国的四大名面之一。
The other is to reflect fundamentally on the tradition of philosophy itself to re specify the task of human thinking so as to face all the fundamental challenges to human beings in the course of history. 一是从根本上反省哲学本身的传统,以此重新规定思想的任务,以回答人类在其历史进程中所遭遇的根本挑战。
With the use of the RE system, the working face of the lapel-shaper is reconstructed well. 运用设计的求逆系统初步实现了对翻领成型器工作曲面的求逆。
The main cause is the variation of Re number induces to change the position of nature transition of boundary layer in cone face, thus, the induced moment, the induced damping moment of the transition are changed. Re数对细长锥的稳定性有重要的影响。主要原因是Re数的变化将导致锥面边界层自然转捩位置的改变、因而转捩产生的诱导力矩、诱导阻尼力矩随之发生变化。